Top 5 Social Networking Sites to Make Money Free.

If you want to know best ways to make money from social networking sites, then you are at the right place. Here in this blog I’ll provide you tips to generate huge amount of money with 5 best social sites. These websites are full with money bags, all you need is to open those bags and take money from them.
Make money from social networking sites
Make money from social networking sites
We live our life to earn more money and spend it. There are some people who doesn’t like to spend money though they have millions of buggs. There are many people who believe to spend money as much as they can. These kind of people I like too much, because I also belong this category. ;-)
Money that I have earned is wastage if I don’t spend it on myself. I don’t take it in use. But if I don’t have money then what I will spend. Hence I would like to share some online money making ideas with you that I have got from various social networking sites.

As we all know that internet is growing now days so rapidly and social media sites are the backbone of internet.On these social networks we all know that tons of people are connected to each other from different different cities,areas and nations.Hence it will be great to work with these networks and earn money.Now we will start to learn how to make money from social networking sites.
There are five best social sites which can lead you to earn huge amount of money online.
1. Facebook
2. Twitter
3. Linked in
4. Google+
5. Pinterest


This is one of the best social networking site which is very popular from 4-5 years.Mark Zuckerberg the founder of Facebook, launched this amazing site in 2004. Since then it is very famous social media site which connects people. Now come to the business, I have said more than I need about Facebook. To make money from social networking site Facebook, you need to have account on it.If you don’t have account on facebook now days its like you don’t like money in your bank. ;-)
Earn money from facebook
Earn money from facebook
To earn money from facebook you can do advertisement.Facebook helps you to generate a passive income by allowing you to create apps.If you have good skills of PHP and JAVA, you can earn money from one of this best social media.The different way to earn money from facebook is by creating pages and making them popular.We can create brand pages for third parties and make them famous for which the brand pays us.BY selling your product or services you can earn money from facebook too.Affiliate marketing is also an earning way on facebook.


Twitter is getting popularity now days more than facebook. Twitter allows you to generate a huge amount of money by providing sponsored tweets also known as ad service. Here you can have your own PPC (price-per-click) for the ads, you are going to tweet.
Best ways to earn money from twitter
Best ways to earn money from twitter
Twitter basically provides advertising services to earn money. It also works on pay-per-click earnings like other third vendors provide to publishers on their websites. MyLikes,, Rev Twt are the facilities available on twitter to earn money.These are the best ways to earn money from twitter. Hence twitter is also a best way to make money from social networking sites.


This is one of the best growing social network now days. LinkedIn basically connects people and also helpful for them to provide them jobs according to their qualifications.Hence it gives opportunity to get the jobs and make money from there.
Generate a passive income from linkedin
Generate a passive income from linkedin

Advertisement on linkedin can help you a lot to take your business at the boom.One of the best social networking site linkedin does affiliate marketing also.Hence we can generate a passive income from linkedin. By doing group discussions on various topics at linkedin you can get more traffic on your personal website where you are already a publisher for Google adsense or other adsense companies.Hence you can earn from your website or blog too by getting more visitors from linkedin.

Google+ :-

Huge amount of money can be generated by the new social media i.e Google+. This is one of the best networking site from google which allows you to get more followers.It provides you community facility to catch more people and connect with you.Now days Google considers author rank for blog sites.Hence Google+ button on your site can improve author rank.As visitors start to share your articles on google plus, it will increase rank of your article on google too.
earn money from google plus
Earn money from google plus
You can fetch more visitors from your google+ account to your website.Hence it will boost up your site ranking and get more visitors.


Pinterest is growing social media now days which can lead you to make money from social networking sites like facebook etc. Money can be generated by taking adsense and CPAs on pinterest but best way to earn money from pinterest is through amazon.
Best way to earn money from pinterest
Pinterest helps to provide more traffic on your website then send visitors on amazon from there.Hence it is a good way to get more traffic on site and earn money from there by selling online products as well as money from adsense. Boards are created at pinterest and then images are displayed by giving some description about it.So you search results will be good enough to get more traffic.

These are the 5 best social media sites to make money online. I try my best to explain about these social sites for earning money. If any query you have, you can ask us. :-)

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