15 Steps to Get Adsense Account Approval

All you need is to follow them and also if you got some better tricks to get adsense approval then don't forget to share it with us. Also, do one favor and drop a comment before you leave the site. Start repeating the steps written below or just check them.

15 Steps to Get Adsense Account Approval

1. First of all you need an blog with a top level domain i.e., like .com, .info, .org etc.

2. Secondly, you need to have some very important pages i.e, About Us, Contact Us, Disclaimer and Privacy Policy.

3. After that you need to have atleast 10 - 15 well defined post on topic that suits on your domain name.

4. All post should be above 500 words.

5. Don't write the post to get the first rank but write them for the user that will make your site user friendly.

6. There should be no HTML errors.

7. Your theme should be responsive.

8. Verify your ownership on the site by adding it the google webmasters.

9. Sign Up for the Google Analytics and to all the other necessary products or platforms.

10. Review all your site and improve by giving some updates on the place where you encountered an error.

11. Optimize your site with Social Platforms.

12. Upload a logo and favicon of your site.

13. Try to get 500 + traffic but not paid.

14. Put an HTML Sitemap on your menubar.

15. Remove all other ads before going to apply for adsense.

So, these were the 15 steps to get adsense account approval. Keep visiting here to get ,more updates.

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