Get Best Tips to Keep your Carpet and Floor Clean

Carpets are the most difficult things when it comes to sleep. Everything sticks to them really fast, from the dust at the bottom of your shoes, to the dripping sauce from the bottle. Carpet fibres are these really soft and cushiony things that are very soothing to the space they are put in. Carpets add texture to the space, making it warmer. But the fibres that these carpets are made of are usually the kind that absorbs everything and anything they come in contact with. So the same carpets that are supposed to make your life warmer make it harder, by getting dirty and then becoming a breeding ground for all the dirt and the dust in your home. 

But not anymore! There is a simple solution to cleaning your carpet and restoring it to the grace and glory that it is supposed to be. Fuller brings to you a carpet sweeper that you can use easily to clean your carpet. The carpet sweeper comes with fine bristles that make cleaning your carpet a hassle free job.

Get Best Tips to Keep your Carpet and Floor Clean

These bristles serve you with excellence, scraping off the dirt and dust from between the carpet fibres, making your carpet almost as good as new after every sweep. These synthetic bristles are neither too soft, to let the dust stay settled, or too hard to wear your carpet out. They sweep from between the fine fibres of your carpet, not spoiling the tenderness of the fine threads of your carpet. 

The floor & carpet sweeper also has a long stick attached to it, which means that you do not have to bend for every sweep. With not having to bend for your sweeps, cleaning becomes an easier job; the pain of bending for the cleaning is not an issue anymore. 

One of the biggest problems with carpets is reaching the area of carpet under the furniture. Dust and dirt collects there and taking it out becomes an issue because reaching under them is not easy. But this stick also makes it possible for you to sweep from under the furniture, making sure that the portion of your carpet that has stuff kept on it is also cleaned properly. 

The cleaning end of the stick is attached to the stick with a jack that makes it easier to bend and rotate. Sweeping through the carpet on the edges often proves to be problem. But with this jack the carpet sweeper becomes easily movable, making it easier for you to sweep on all the edges.

The fibres of the carpet sweeper are aerostatic which makes it easier for the sweeper to gather dust, ash, paper clips and even broken glass pieces. What’s even better is that your carpet sweeper can also be used on hard surface floors. It is a lightweight sweeper which makes it super easy to use, and not at all a burden on your body or back, making cleaning of your carpet a job of just a hand whisk.
With this revolutionary carpet sweeper you can now easily sweep your carpet, making it almost as good as new, every single time. 

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