10 Tips to become a Certified Yoga Teacher

Teaching yoga is a lucrative career these days. Health industry is booming and will continue to grow at a rapid rate. If you love to practice yoga and want to take yoga teaching as career following tips can be useful to know.

1.      Regular Yoga Practice

Practicing yoga regularly leads to mastery of yoga postures and techniques. This also helps to develop a deeper connection with you and access higher power. Finding yourself will radiate your passion and teach you the way you should go

2.      Research

Yoga continues to increase in popularity and scope; therefore, it is important to research different training courses, yoga styles, accreditations, and logistics to find the perfect one that suits you. Going through different yoga styles will help you determine your most preferred one. This gives you a pointer to the schools that offer courses or training in the preferred style (s) and the associations to choose from. There are four (4) major yoga teacher associations:

·         Yoga Alliance
·         International Yoga Association
·         Independent Yoga network
·         The British Wheel of Yoga

These yoga associations have their distinct requirements and different courses. So, be practical and choose that which suits you.

3.      Get a Yoga Certification

There are yoga programs that range from a month to 11 months of training or even mixed intensive training. All that matters is to get a yoga certification. Yoga associations offer the 200-hour certification which entails yoga history, its ancient lineage, health and wellness, Ayurveda, self-practice, alignment of postures and meditation. The 200-hour certification is the first certification followed by the 300-hour certification and the 500-hour certification. However, upon completion of the 200-hour certification, you are certified to start teaching yoga.

4.      Acquire a CPR Certification

After earning a yoga certification, a CPR certification is also needed. This is because most yoga schools or centers require teachers with CPR skills in case of emergencies.

5.      Acquire a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) Credential

Although it is not compulsory to acquire this credential, a lot of yoga studios will often choose a credentialed teacher over another who is not. So, if you can, it is best to acquire it.

6.      Advanced Learning

It is important to keep learning as the world evolves. Every three (3) tears, it is mandatory for a Registered Yoga Teacher to complete 73 hours of continuing education. Moreover, strive progressively to attend workshops, seminars, and training to acquire more knowledge in order to become an expert.

7.      Connect with a Teacher

Whilst attending various training, you will be taught by many teachers. However, it is important that you connect to a teacher and relate to their personality. This is because a great teacher will motivate you to become the kind of great teacher you hope to be.

8.      Strengthen your Network

Getting a yoga and CPR certification wouldn’t do much good without great networking. During training, networking with teachers and colleagues might be a great investment. Also, distinguish yourself from other instructors by perfecting the yoga niche that you are most comfortable with.

9.      Make your Teachings Flexible

As a certified yoga teacher, you will have to teach different categories of people. This is why flexibility is very important in your teachings. Be as adaptable as possible to the needs of your students and don’t run away from learning new things. The more experience you have, the better you become.

10.  Be Positive

Keep your students motivated and make them believe in themselves. Criticize them constructively and encourage them often.


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